Sorry to be so long in response but every thing OK here. The is mostly dead. Hope all is well on your end.
Good to hear from you Lee . Was getting concerned. Everything is fine out here. Trying to adjust to all that crazy stuff going on in the world. Dropped my retirement paperwork off. Body has taken a beating. Time to throw in the towel and work part-time. But not before a nice leave of absence. Hoping to get back home to Maine soon before all my family is gone. Its been a very dry summer here and temps way to high. Not much fishing these days. Please stay in touch. Looking forward to a chat with you
It's been way to long since I have made a post on here . I'm going to start by checking in . I hope all is well with everyone. Hope you are blessed with good health. I will wait for replies to add to the conversation. God bless DaveV
Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was
cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time.
On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words,
and some of the words are theirs.