Lee's Fishing Page
MAINE - Life in the Slow Lane
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Saturday, January 25 2025 @ 09:58 AM EST

Perfect Combo: Bill Miller's Crayfish & Bright Butt Leaders

By: Joel Anderson


Cedar waxwings were working diligently over the river tonight, with the object of their attention being caddis flies that were trying desperately to make to the safety of nearby trees after hatching off the water. Because of the golden bird’s incredible aerial prowess, not a single insect made it to refuge. Often two birds would race for the same bug. While it was fascinating to watch, I was there to fish.


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Making a Statement or Just Rubbing It In?

By: Joel Anderson

Like "That Hansel", my home river "is so hot right now." Last weekend it was warming up, two nights ago it's getting hot, and tonight it was on fire. Bugs everywhere, fish everywhere; it simply doesn't get any better. Add to the equation the fact that the water level and temperature are perfect, and the trout are fresh from the truck stupid right now, and it really isn't much of a task for an experienced fly fisherman to hook 50 trout (or more) in a couple hours of evening fishing. It is always amazing to me the same trout that are so vulnerable right now will quickly take on the characteristics of wild trout and become much more difficult to catch after a month or two of fending for themselves.


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South Wind

By: Joel Anderson

If the title of this little essay has you thinking fondly about some obscure parlor game using tiles with Chinese symbols that your grandmother made you play as a child, you might be on the wrong website. Try http://www.mahjong.com. If you’re a fisherman like me, who couldn’t possibly care less about parlor games (or duck hunting!), read on.

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Coming to a Salmon Lake Near You

By: Joel Anderson 

Today’s rain has me thinking “lake inlet fishing for landlocked salmon”. I’ve been chasing fall landlocked salmon for thirty years, sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much. Over that time, I have learned a trick or two and, since it’s that time of year again, I thought I would attempt to pass along one particular trick that has proven time and time again to be very successful and well worth the effort.

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