Fishing with Father Part 3 (salmon fishing)

By: Stephen Sprague
Father and I did not do a lot of salmon fishing together and I can not recall when he started fishing salmon in earnest. i dare say it was in the early 70's.
By: Stephen Sprague
A little time and dedication can bring results, and although I don't always catch fish I learn something every time I go.
By: Stephen Sprague
In order to continue with Part 2, I felt that a few more photos were required. So, I spent the better part of Saturday evening going through Mother's old desk. I don't think she threw away a piece of paper since she came here in 1946. Definately a treasure trove. As you can imagine it was a trip down memory lane for me. One of the first discoveries was my New Brunswick Guides certificate issued in 1952. A short dig below that turned up Fathers guides certificate dated 1935. But I digress. So back to fishing.
By: Stephen Sprague
I have been thinking about this ever since I read the post by Joel Anderson on "The Season of Reflection". Who influenced me and helped me to be the fisherman that I am today. This will be about the people that have given me direction and substance to my Fishing. Please give it a read and let me know what you think, this may be a good way for others on the site to educate us all about them and their influences.
Please Enjoy.