We are pleased to announce the availability of glFusion v1.5.1. This release continues to fine tune glFusion, providing several minor bug fixes to our last major release. We also added a new enhancement, increasing the size of the story and static page IDs from 40 characters to 128.
For our users who are already running glFusion v1.5.0, we are providing incremental archives which only contain the files changed from v1.5.0. For folks running an older version of glFusion, you will need to use the full distribution archive. For both the incremental and full distributions, once the files have been copied to your server, run the Upgrade Wizard. We hope you enjoy this new release!
Below is a full list of changes for glFusion v1.5.1:
Removed custom.css included in Vintage theme
Fixed typo in menu editor template (CMS) that prevented saving menu settings
Expand story id, link id, staticpage id, and poll id to 128 characters
Removed text shadow from off-canvas menu items
Updated story id input to limit sid to 40 characters
Fixed layout issue on search screen that breaks layout on small devices
Added chronometer.js (gl_moochronometer.js replacement) to vintage theme
Fixed error in CMS theme that prevented Link titles from being entered
Update youtube autotag to allow responsive videos when using UIKIT themes
Fixed uninitialized variable error in youtube auto tag
Fixed template issue with story meta data showing leading | in when author line is not displayed
Removed text shadow on tab labels
Fixed spelling error in CKEditor plugin
Fixed polls plugin would error when submitting vote
Fixed bug where stories could not be saved in draft mode
Minimum username setting was being applied to existing users, preventing users with short username from logging in
Added floatleft / floatright styles to CMS theme to support proper wrapping on [imageX] tags in stories
Fixed error where both username and email were required on the forgot password screen. Now only requires one or the other